Verilog module is the fundamental building blocks for digital designs. Each module performs a specific function and can be connected with other modules to create more complex systems. This article explains the syntax, purpose, and uses of Verilog modules, and also covers the concept of top-level modules, testbenches, and hierarchical naming.
What is a Verilog Module?
A module
in Verilog is a block of code that represents a unit of functionality in a digital circuit. It can have inputs, outputs, and internal logic. You can combine smaller modules to build larger, more complex systems. Modules can also be reused in different designs, making the development process more efficient.
Syntax of a Verilog Module
A Verilog module is defined using the keywords module
and endmodule. The module name comes after the module
keyword, and the ports (input and output) are optionally listed in parentheses. Inside the module, you define its behavior using procedural blocks like always
or initial
Here’s the basic structure:
module <module_name> ([port_list]);
// Module contents here
If the module does not have ports, you can omit the port list:
module <module_name>;
// Module contents here
All variables, functions, tasks, and lower-level module instances must be defined within the module
and endmodule
Example: D Flip-Flop (dff) with Verilog Module
Here is an example of a module for a D flip-flop (DFF) with three inputs (d
, clk
, rstn
) and one output (q
). This module assigns the value of d
to q
at the positive edge of the clock, unless the reset (rstn
) is low, in which case the output is reset to 0.
module dff (
input d, // Data input
input clk, // Clock input
input rstn, // Active-low reset
output reg q // Output
// Always block triggered on the positive edge of the clock
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (!rstn) // If reset is low, output q is 0
q <= 0;
q <= d; // Otherwise, output q takes the value of d
Hardware Schematic
When this module is synthesized, it will be converted into a digital circuit based on the logic defined in the module. For example, the module would become part of a flip-flop circuit.

Purpose of a Verilog Module
A Verilog module encapsulates a specific function, which is later translated into hardware. The inputs to a module can be manipulated to generate outputs, which makes the module reusable in various larger designs. For example, the dff
module can be used to build a shift register.
Example: Shift Register Using D Flip-Flops
You can chain multiple D flip-flops together to create a shift register. Here is an example where four D flip-flops are connected to form a 4-bit shift register.
module shift_reg (
input d, // Data input
input clk, // Clock input
input rstn, // Reset input
output q // Output
wire [2:0] q_net; // Intermediate signals
// Chain D flip-flops
dff u0 (.d(d), .clk(clk), .rstn(rstn), .q(q_net[0]));
dff u1 (.d(q_net[0]), .clk(clk), .rstn(rstn), .q(q_net[1]));
dff u2 (.d(q_net[1]), .clk(clk), .rstn(rstn), .q(q_net[2]));
dff u3 (.d(q_net[2]), .clk(clk), .rstn(rstn), .q(q));
In this example, the output q
from the last flip-flop is the final output of the shift register. Each flip-flop passes its output to the next one in the chain.
What Are Top-Level Modules?
A top-level module is the highest-level module in a design that contains all other modules. It is not instantiated within any other module. It includes all submodules, and it is the starting point of the entire design.
Example: Design Top-Level
In the design below, the top-level module is called design
. It instantiates submodules mod1
and mod2
, which in turn may contain other submodules.
// Design code
module mod3 ([port_list]);
reg c;
// Design code here
module mod4 ([port_list]);
wire a;
// Design code here
module mod1 ([port_list]);
wire y;
mod3 mod_inst1 ( ... ); // Instance of mod3
mod3 mod_inst2 ( ... ); // Instance of mod3
module mod2 ([port_list]);
mod4 mod_inst1 ( ... ); // Instance of mod4
mod4 mod_inst2 ( ... ); // Instance of mod4
// Top-level module
module design ([port_list]);
wire _net;
mod1 mod_inst1 ( ... ); // Instance of mod1
mod2 mod_inst2 ( ... ); // Instance of mod2
In this design, design
is the top-level module, containing all other submodules such as mod1
and mod2
What is a Testbench Top-Level Module?
In simulation, the top-level module is the testbench. The testbench provides input stimulus to the design and verifies its functionality. The design is instantiated within the testbench to simulate and verify the functionality of the entire system.
// Testbench code
// The testbench is the top-level module for simulation
module testbench;
design d0 ( [port_list_connections] ); // Instantiating design module
// Additional testbench code for simulation
Hierarchical Names in Verilog Module
When modules are instantiated within each other, a hierarchical structure is formed. The top-level module is considered the root of the hierarchy. Each instance of a module can be accessed using a hierarchical name, which is a dot-separated path that specifies the instance and signal.
Example of Hierarchical Naming
Given the following structure:
is the top-level module.mod_inst1
is an instance ofmod1
is an instance ofmod2
You can access the signals in the modules using hierarchical names:
design.mod_inst1 // Access the instance of mod_inst1
design.mod_inst1.y // Access signal y inside mod_inst1
design.mod_inst2.mod_inst2.a // Access signal a inside mod4
testbench.d0._net; // Access the signal _net in design from testbench
Comparison Table: Top-Level Module vs. Testbench
Aspect | Top-Level Module | Testbench Module |
Definition | Contains all other design modules | Used for functional verification in simulation |
Purpose | Combines submodules to create a complete design | Verifies design behavior by applying stimulus |
Instantiation | Not instantiated within other modules | Instantiates design modules for simulation |
Simulation Role | Part of the design | Top-level for simulation |
Verilog modules are essential building blocks for designing digital circuits. By understanding how to define, instantiate, and connect modules, you can create complex systems. Top-level modules are the highest-level modules in a design, and the testbench is the top-level module for simulation purposes. Using hierarchical names, you can easily access and manage signals across various modules.