In a testbench, various components need to communicate with each other to exchange data and check the output values of the design. To achieve this, there are specific mechanisms that help synchronize different threads and control the flow of data. The most commonly used mechanisms in SystemVerilog are events, semaphores, and mailboxes.

What is Event Synchronization in SystemVerilog?

Events are one of the simplest ways to synchronize different threads or processes in SystemVerilog. With events, one process waits for an event to occur, while another process triggers that event. Once triggered, the waiting process will resume its execution.

Key Features of Events

  • Creating an Event: You can create an event using the event keyword.
  • Triggering an Event: To trigger an event, you use the -> operator.
  • Waiting for an Event: You can make a process wait for an event using the @ operator or the wait statement.
  • Passing Events as Arguments: Events can be passed to tasks or functions to synchronize processes.

Example of Using Events in SystemVerilog

module tb_top;
    event eventA;   // Declare an event handle called "eventA"

    initial begin
            waitForTrigger(eventA);   // Task waits for eventA to be triggered
            #5 ->eventA;              // Trigger eventA after 5 time units

    task waitForTrigger(event eventA);
        $display ("[%0t] Waiting for EventA to be triggered", $time);
        wait (eventA.triggered);
        $display ("[%0t] EventA has triggered", $time);

Simulation Log:

[0] Waiting for EventA to be triggered
[5] EventA has triggered

In this example, eventA is created and triggered after 5 time units. The task waitForTrigger waits for the event to occur before proceeding.

Understanding Semaphores in SystemVerilog

A semaphore in SystemVerilog is used to control access to shared resources. It acts like a key to ensure that only one thread can access the resource at a time. This is known as a mutex (mutually exclusive) because only one entity can hold the semaphore at any moment.

Key Features of Semaphores

  • Creating a Semaphore: You can create a semaphore using the new() function.
  • Getting a Semaphore: A thread can request the semaphore using the get() function, which will block if the semaphore is not available.
  • Releasing the Semaphore: After using the resource, the thread releases the semaphore with the put() function.

Example of Using Semaphores in SystemVerilog

module tb_top;
    semaphore key;   // Create a semaphore called "key"

    initial begin
        key = new(1);   // Create one semaphore key


    task getRoom(bit [1:0] id);
        $display ("[%0t] Trying to get a room for id[%0d] ...", $time, id);
        key.get(1);   // Request the semaphore
        $display ("[%0t] Room Key retrieved for id[%0d]", $time, id);

    task putRoom(bit [1:0] id);
        $display ("[%0t] Leaving room id[%0d] ...", $time, id);
        key.put(1);   // Release the semaphore
        $display ("[%0t] Room Key put back id[%0d]", $time, id);

    task personA();
        #20 putRoom(1);

    task personB();
        #5 getRoom(2);
        #10 putRoom(2);

Simulation Log:

[0] Trying to get a room for id[1] ...
[0] Room Key retrieved for id[1]
[5] Trying to get a room for id[2] ...
[20] Leaving room id[1] ...
[20] Room Key put back id[1]
[20] Room Key retrieved for id[2]
[25] Trying to get a room for id[1] ...
[30] Leaving room id[2] ...
[30] Room Key put back id[2]
[30] Room Key retrieved for id[1]
[50] Leaving room id[1] ...
[50] Room Key put back id[1]

In this example, the key semaphore is used to ensure that only one person can access the room at any given time. The get() function blocks the requesting process if the semaphore is already in use.

How Mailboxes Work in SystemVerilog

A mailbox is a communication channel used to pass data between components in a SystemVerilog testbench. It allows one component to put data into the mailbox, which another component can retrieve.

Key Features of Mailboxes

  • Creating a Mailbox: A mailbox is created and passed between components.
  • Putting Data into a Mailbox: A component can send data to the mailbox using the put() function.
  • Getting Data from a Mailbox: A component can retrieve data from the mailbox using the get() function.

Example of Using Mailboxes in SystemVerilog

// Data packet class for transaction
class transaction;
    rand bit [7:0] data;

    function display();
        $display ("[%0t] Data = 0x%0h", $time, data);

// Generator class - Generate a transaction and put it into the mailbox
class generator;
    mailbox mbx;

    function new(mailbox mbx);
        this.mbx = mbx;

    task genData();
        transaction trns = new();
        $display ("[%0t] [Generator] Going to put data into mailbox", $time);
        $display ("[%0t] [Generator] Data put into mailbox", $time);

// Driver class - Retrieve data from mailbox
class driver;
    mailbox mbx;

    function new(mailbox mbx);
        this.mbx = mbx;

    task drvData();
        transaction drvTrns = new();
        $display ("[%0t] [Driver] Waiting for available data", $time);
        $display ("[%0t] [Driver] Data received from Mailbox", $time);

module tb_top;
    mailbox mbx;
    generator Gen;
    driver Drv;

    initial begin
        mbx = new();
        Gen = new(mbx);
        Drv = new(mbx);

            #10 Gen.genData();

Simulation Log:

[0] [Driver] Waiting for available data
[10] Data = 0x9d
[10] [Generator] Data put into mailbox
[10] [Driver] Data received from Mailbox
[10] Data = 0x9d

In this example, the generator puts a data packet into the mailbox, and the driver retrieves the data from the mailbox.

Comparison of Event, Semaphore, and Mailbox

MechanismPurposeExample Use Case
EventSynchronizes processesWaiting for a specific event before proceeding
SemaphoreControls access to a shared resourceEnsuring only one thread can access a resource at a time
MailboxData exchange between componentsPassing data from a generator to a driver


In this article, we explored the three key mechanisms used for SystemVerilog interprocessing communication: events, semaphores, and mailboxes. These tools are essential for synchronizing threads, controlling access to resources, and passing data between components in a testbench. Understanding and using these mechanisms effectively can greatly improve the efficiency of your testbenches and simulations.

By using the correct approach for interprocessing communication, you can enhance the performance of your design and ensure accurate test results.

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